What Do I Need To Know About CBD Oil For Cats? | Tweedle Farms What Do I Need To Know About CBD Oil For Cats? | Tweedle Farms

What Do I Need To Know About CBD Oil For Cats? | Tweedle Farms

Posted by Tweedle Farms on Apr 1st 2021

With CBD gaining popularity worldwide, it’s no surprise that CBD would be formulated for cats. After all, people love cats. The success of the internet itself is largely the result of people’s love of cats! So, let’s dig into the questions pet parents have about CBD for felines so that your cat can live its best life for all of its nine lives.

Can cats process CBD?

Cats, like all animals, have an endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system produces a type of neurotransmitter called endocannabinoids that has a lot in common with the phytocannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant and that allows the ECS to efficiently process cannabinoids.

The ECS is very important because the endocannabinoids it produces travel throughout the bloodstream, affecting every bodily process by attaching themselves to cells and delivering messages that let cells know what’s going on in the body and how cells should behave.

Some bodily functions affected by the ECS:

  • Inflammation regulation
  • Skin maintenance
  • Stress regulation
  • Motor control
  • Appetite
  • Mood
  • Sleep

What type of CBD can I give to cats?

It’s best to give your cat CBD oil (tinctures) that is formulated for cats and dosed for cats as well. That way it’s easier for you to give your cat the appropriate amount of CBD. You don’t want to give your cat CBD that’s formulated for humans because it may be potentially harmful to cats because of the terpenes it contains, THC, the dosage, etc. Read on for more details.

Is there a difference between cat CBD and human CBD? Or dog CBD and cat CBD? Can I give my cat my CBD or take my cat’s CBD?

While cat CBD is basically human CBD in so far as it’s CBD that humans can also take, cats can only be given a certain type and amount of CBD. Dog CBD and cat CBD are also functionally the same, although they may be packaged differently to ensure easier dosing.

  • Cats need much less CBD than humans.
  • Cats can experience THC toxicity, so CBD for cats is formulated without THC.
  • CBD for cats is formulated to exclude terpenes that would be okay for humans but would excessively tax the cats’ livers.
  • CBD for cats is formulated to exclude other ingredients that would be harmful to cats but okay for humans, like chocolate.

If you’re considering taking your cat’s CBD, you should check the ingredients first to make sure there’s nothing there you wouldn’t want to be consuming, like salmon flavor. In the case of Tweedle Farm’s  Furry Friend Pet CBD Oil, there are only two ingredients: broad-spectrum CBD oil and MCT oil. There are no added colors, flavorings, or preservatives.

How much CBD can I give to cats, and how often?

We made this chart so that you can figure out the appropriate dosage of CBD for your cat. It should take 30-45 minutes for the CBD to start working.

Our dosage chart offers general guidance, but in certain cases, you can give your cat higher doses. For example, if you have an older cat that suffers from acute conditions such as arthritis or on a holiday when people typically use fireworks, such as the Fourth of July.

What are the dosages of CBD for cats?

Furry Friend Pet CBD Oil comes in two sizes: 300mg and 600mg. They both come in 30ml bottles. For a cat, we recommend the 300mg size.

Each dropper contains ~10mg or ~20mg of total cannabinoids, depending on whether it's 300mg or 600mg. A 1ml dropper holds ~20 drops, so dosing should be simple, as one drop = ~.5mg for the 300 mg bottle and one drop = ~1mg for the 600mg bottle.

How can I give CBD to cats?

The easiest way to serve your cat CBD is in the form of CBD oil or treats. Although, adding oil to wet food is better because it gets absorbed faster and has greater bioavailability than a treat. Bioavailability is the measure of how effectively an organism absorbs a particular chemical. CBD oil also has the advantage of having minimal impact on your cat’s diet. All you have to do is mix the CBD oil into your cat’s wet food!

What is MCT oil, and why is it good for pet CBD?

MCT oil improves the bioavailability of Furry Friend Pet CBD Oil. MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides. MCT is a fatty acid that gets the CBD to bypass the stomach and go straight to the digestive tract where it can be absorbed at a much greater rate than if it was in your cat's stomach.

The improved bioavailability comes courtesy of the caprylic acid found in MCT. MCT is derived from coconut oil or palm oil, so it's all-natural. MCT is also perfectly safe for cats.

What’s the difference between hemp seed oil and CBD oil?

Hemp seed oil is made from pressed hemp seeds, which contain no CBD. CBD oil is made from  hemp flowers, leaves, and stalks, which contain CBD and other cannabinoids (although, the leaves and stalks contain very little to no CBD).

Is broad-spectrum CBD a good option for cats?

Broad-spectrum CBD is CBD that contains what’s found in the flowers, leaves, and stalks of the hemp plant minus THC. This is in juxtaposition with CBD isolate, which is only CBD, and full-spectrum CBD, which like broad-spectrum CBD oil but with THC.

The broad-spectrum CBD in Tweedle Farm’s Furry Friend Pet CBD Oil allows cats to experience the "entourage effect," which is what occurs when CBD is consumed with other parts of the hemp plant, without the fear of psychoactivity since there’s no THC. When made for pets, broad-spectrum CBD will exclude terpenes that may be harmful to pets, such as limonene and pinene.

Can I give my cat too much CBD?

While studies about  the effects of CBD on cats are scant, so far, it appears that giving your cat CBD does not produce any significant adverse side-effects. It’s important to note, however, that cats and dogs react to CBD differently, so when administering CBD to your cat make sure to follow guidelines that are written explicitly for cats.

Just like each human reacts to CBD oil in their own way, so do cats. If you notice your cat having an adverse reaction, adjust the dosage or discontinue using the CBD oil. Some cats in this study reacted with excessive head shaking and licking, so pay close attention when administering CBD to cats.

Can I give my cat CBD along with other medications?

You should consult with your cat’s veterinarian before giving it CBD.

Should CBD oil that’s for cats be third-party tested?

CBD oil for pets needs to be held to the same stringent standards that CBD for humans is held to. That means that an unaffiliated, state-accredited lab should check the CBD pet oil using industry-approved methods to verify the cannabinoid content and the absence of harmful chemicals and heavy metals. That way, you're not just taking the manufacturer’s word for it. It's the same thing you should do for your own CBD. Remember, cats are relatively small creatures, so even a small amount of impurity can potentially harm your feline friend.

Should hemp that’s grown for cat CBD be grown without chemicals?

You don’t want to grow cannabis with harmful chemicals because cannabis is a bioaccumulator, which means it’s very good at absorbing chemicals in the ground. In turn, the chemicals in the ground will end up in you! That’s especially concerning with cannabis that’s going to become a pet product because animals are even more sensitive to chemicals than humans. Harsh chemicals also degrade the quality of cannabis overall.

Is Tweedle Farms legit?

This is a very important question for a pet owner to ask because your cat is dependent on you for its care, and you want to make sure that you’re using a legitimate source when it comes to anything you’re feeding your cat. There are a few ways to tell that we’re legit.

  • Our Reviews: We have a lot of positive reviews all over the internet and our own website for you to read.
  • Our Product Descriptions: We put a lot of effort into describing every CBD product we sell in great detail so that you know exactly what you're getting. You can also tell we know our stuff and care a lot about CBD!
  • Third-Party Testing: All our CBD oils and concentrates are third-party verified.
  • Our Dedication to Your Health and the Health of your Pets: We only sell products that were grown without harsh chemicals.

Bottom Line

If we haven't addressed your concern about CBD for cats, then please  contact us directly. If you've decided CBD is worth a try for your cat, then make sure to take advantage of our rewards program. It's the cat's meow!