Is Hemp Legal in Vermont? Is Hemp Legal in Vermont?

Is Hemp Legal in Vermont?

Posted by Tweedle Farms on Dec 12th 2021

Vermont, known for its lush verdant landscapes and progressive politics, has become a significant player in the evolving legal patchwork of cannabis and hemp. In this blog post, we’re going to delve into the legal status of hemp in Vermont, focusing on key aspects such as CBD flower, hemp products and THCA flower, providing a comprehensive guide for enthusiasts, consumers, and industry stakeholders.

Understanding Hemp

Hemp is a type of cannabis that is federally legal in the United States and defined by its low THC content — THC being the psychoactive compound in what is commonly known as marijuana. Unlike marijuana, hemp and its derivatives (including CBD and CBD flower) are non-intoxicating, making them subjects of interest for both legal and consumer landscapes.

Vermont's Hemp Legislation

Vermont aligns with the 2018 Farm Bill, which federally legalized the cultivation of CBD flower and removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act, and established a state-regulated program that oversees the cultivation of CBD flower as well as the processing of hemp into CBD products. Vermont's legislation emphasizes the importance of adhering to the federal THC limit of 0.3% total THC, while attempting to foster a supportive environment for hemp industry growth.

Hemp Flower in Vermont

In Vermont, CBD flower — the bud of the hemp plant — is legally cultivated and sold, provided it complies with THC regulations. The state's approach to regulating CBD flower encompasses rigorous testing and quality assurance, ensuring that products meet the legal standards for THC content and are safe for consumption.

THCA Flower: Legal Complexities in Vermont

THCA, or tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that can convert to THC when decarboxylated. The legal stance on THCA flower in Vermont is clear, given its potential to convert to THC. Vermont's regulations require that all hemp flower contain less than 0.3% total THC, and because THCA decarboxylates into THC, THCA flower is not allowed in the state.

Licensing and Regulation

Vermont requires those that grow CBD flower and process hemp to obtain licenses, adhering to state guidelines that ensure responsible cultivation and product safety. The state's Department of Agriculture plays a pivotal role in overseeing hemp operations, from seed to sale, ensuring compliance with both state and federal laws.

Consumer Safety and Market Access

Consumer access to CBD flower and hemp-derived products in Vermont is supported by stringent safety standards, including mandatory lab testing and clear product labeling. These regulations are designed to protect consumers, ensuring they have access to safe, high-quality hemp products, including CBD flower, CBD oilsgummies, and more.

Challenges and Opportunities in Vermont's Hemp Industry

Vermont's hemp industry faces challenges such as fluctuating market demands and the need for ongoing regulatory adaptation. However, these challenges are met with significant opportunities for innovation and growth, as the state continues to refine its legal framework in support of hemp cultivation and product development.


Vermont stands at the forefront of hemp legislation, offering a legal framework that supports the growth and development of the hemp industry while ensuring consumer safety and product integrity. The state's approach to regulating CBD flower and hemp products reflects a commitment to fostering a responsible and sustainable hemp market. As the industry evolves, staying informed and engaged with Vermont's legal and regulatory landscape will be crucial for all participants in the hemp sector.